Before you get started in Scalr, we wanted to review some of the product terminology to make sure we are all on the same page:
Account: The highest level scope in Scalr. When you signed up for Scalr, the account was created. The account is mainly used for administrative purposes.
Environment: The child of an account. An environment is the parent of a workspace. Environments are a way of logically separating workspaces, teams, credentials, and more.
Workspace: Where you upload Terraform or OpenTofu (OTF) configuration files, execute runs, store state, variables, and more related to a deployment.
Run: The execution of Terraform or OTF plan/apply.
Provider Configurations: The way to authenticate to the providers used in your code.
Agents: A Scalr package installed in the location of your choice, which will execute runs or interact with VCS providers behind a firewall.
Variables: Either shell or Terraform variables, which can be defined at any scope in the Scalr organizational model.
Module: The same concept as a Terraform or OTF module. Sync a Terraform module into the private registry to make it available to users.
Policy: Scalr uses Open Policy Agent to enforce standards and governance on Terraform and OTF deployments.
Roles: A combination of IAM permissions.
Access Policy: The combination of a user or team and a role. Access policies determine who has permissions at which scope.