A run is the result of executing a Terraform or OpenTofu deployment in a workspace. There are two types of runs, runs that include an apply and runs that exclude an apply, referred to as a dry run. All runs for a given workspace will be displayed in the runs tab. For VCS-driven runs, a commit hash is provided, which can be clicked on to help users understand what changes were made to the code prior to the deployment for the entire history of the workspace. CLI runs will be noted as CLI-driven with the username of the person who created the run. No matter what the entry point for a run is, they will follow this workflow:

Dry Runs (Plan-Only)

A dry run is when a Terraform or OpenTofu plan is executed. Dry runs will check the state file against the resources in the provider and show the proposed changes, if any. If there are changes, the run will go through the cost-estimation and policy check phase. If there are no changes, the run will stop after the plan with a "no changes" status.

Dry runs can be executed using the Terraform or Tofu CLI if the remote backend is added locally to the workspace. Dry runs can also be executed if a pull request is opened in a repository that is linked to a Scalr workspace. The workspace must have the proper trigger strategy set for Scalr to recognize the changes and start a run. Depending on the VCS provider you are using, Scalr will send information back to the pull request comments for the teams to review.

Pull Request Comments

If a workspace source is VCS, Scalr will execute a dry run based on a pull request and report the result back to the VCS provider as a pull request comment.

Github, Gitlab, and Azure DevOps have a slightly advanced output in that you can see an overall summary for the pull request as well as a per workspace report (click on the VCS links in the beginning of this paragraph to learn how to enable this). If everything is successful, Scalr will return the success status and you are provided with a general summary. If there are destructive changes, resources being replaced, or policy failures, you will see a warning. For any Terraform or OpenTofu runs that fail, the error logs will be sent back into the PR comments.

With Bitbucket, the checks are more abbreviated in that you do not have full pull request comments. The "main" check seen below is a cumulative check across all workspaces that are connected to this repo and the working directory (if applicable). This check can be used to create a branch policy to ensure only successful dry runs are merged. There will only be a successful green check if all runs are successful. These

Apply Runs

An apply run is a run in which the Terraform or Tofu apply command is executed and resources are created based on a successful run. The apply run executes the plan first to make sure there are changes. If there are changes it then goes through the cost estimation, policy check, and then executes the apply to create the resources. An apply run can be executed through the UI, from the Terraform or Tofu CLI, or by merging a pull request if the workspace is linked to a VCS repository:


Stop wasting time finding issues after a run has executed. The Terraform pre-check feature allows you to validate code before the run is executed. These can be added to all workspaces by enabling them in the Terraform integration located at the account scope -> integrations -> Terraform page. Any run that fails during a pre-check is not counted towards billing.

The following checks are available:

  • terraform fmt
  • terraform validate

Run Modes

When queuing a new run from the UI, you will have the options below presented to you. All standard Terraform or OpenTofu commands are still available when executing from the CLI.

  • Plan & Apply - The default option. Initiates a full cycle of the plan, apply, (cost and policy checks are executed only if are configured in the environment).
  • Plan Only - Only execute a terraform plan, which includes the cost-estimate and policy checks.
  • Refresh-only - A new configuration is not applied, Terraform only updates the state according to the actual value in the 3rd party.
  • Skip Refresh - The current state is not refreshed while planning the changes.
  • Replace - A limited list of resources can be recreated. At least 1 resource is required to be selected.
  • Target Resources - A list of resources that will be targeted during the plan and apply. All other resources will be ignored.

Run Dashboards

The runs dashboard, which exists at the account, environment, and workspace scope, serves as a central dashboard for all runs across all workspaces. From this page, runs can be canceled in bulk or approved/discarded as needed. A use case for the bulk cancellation is to reprioritize runs (i.e. you have an emergency change going in that cannot wait on prior runs to finish).

Click through demo:

The permissions to view the runs page can be controlled through theruns-queue:read in the IAM roles.

Run Output

The output of a plan can be displayed in two different ways, the standard console output or through the smart plan output referred to as a visual plan.


The visual plan is useful when you have hundreds or thousands of resources and you need to quickly filter on the action that is occurring in the plan:

Ignore Draft Pull Requests

Draft pull requests are commonly used during the early development cycles to note when a pull request is in a draft state. Since draft pull requests are so early on in the development cycle, it's possible that you don't want a Scalr plan to execute when pull requests are opened. Scalr gives you the option to ignore draft pull requests by unchecking "Trigger runs for draft pull requests". As of right now, this will apply to any workspace that is linked to the VCS provider.

Bulk Runs

Need to kick off runs in multiple workspaces at the same time? Bulk actions allow you to multi-select workspaces at the account or environment scope to execute a run with any of the run modes seen above or a destroy.

Prioritize Runs

During active development phases, runs will build up in the queue. It's much easier to select the run you want to actually execute rather than having to go through and delete other runs one by one, which is what the force run feature does. By forcing a run, Scalr will automatically discard all previous pending runs to ensure the selected run executes as fast as possible. Just click on the lightning bolt to select the run to execute.

Target Resources

The target option gives users the ability to focus the Terraform run on a specific resource or set of resources:


After a target is checked, select one or more resources that the run will impact once executed.

OIDC connect


Scalr has built-in support for major cloud providers (AWS, Azure, Google) via Provider configurations. However, some custom providers (Cloudflare, Vault, etc.) don't have the OIDC-connected options via the provider configurations. To solve this issue, Scalr exports an environment variable, SCALR_OIDC_TOKEN, for each run phase (plan & apply) that can be used to connect to the custom provider.

Token payload

The OIDC token is signed by the Scalr JWT token and can be exchanged for a temporary token by the custom provider. The payload has the following structure:

  "aud": "<account-name>",
  "exp": 1700056966,
  "iat": 1700053066,
  "iss": "https://scalr.io",
  "jti": "0ddab61b-4ca3-4112-be31-7549c83f26b8",
  "nbf": 1700053066,
  "ref": "",
  "scalr_account_id": "acc-xxxxxxxx",
  "scalr_account_name": "<account-name>",
  "scalr_environment_id": "env-xxxxxxxx",
  "scalr_environment_name": "<environment-name>",
  "scalr_run_id": "run-xxxxxxx",
  "scalr_run_phase": "plan",
  "scalr_tags": "",
  "scalr_workspace_id": "ws-xxxxxxxxxxxxx",
  "scalr_workspace_name": "<workspace-name>",
  "sub": "account:<account-name>:environment:<environment-name>:workspace:<workspace-name>"

Issuer always equals to https://scalr.io.

Payload customization

To make the token generation more streamlined, Scalr adds default values for the following attributes:

  • aud - by default, it is the account name. To override it, you can create the shell variable SCALR_OIDC_AUD at any level and it will be set for all workspaces within the scope it is created (workspace, environment, or account).
  • exp - by default, it is set to the run operation timeout of the workspace. If the timeout is not set, then the system's default value is used (60 minutes). To override it, you can create the shell variable SCALR_OIDC_EXP at any level and it will be set for all workspaces within the scope it is created (workspace, environment, or account).

Built-In Variables

The following shell variables are built into the runtime environment for use as needed:

  • SCALR_RUN_ID - The ID of the current run.
  • SCALR_HOSTNAME - The Scalr hostname.
  • SCALR_TERRAFORM_OPERATION - The current Terraform operation (plan or apply).
  • SCALR_TERRAFORM_EXIT_CODE - The exit code (0 or 1) of the previous operation (plan or apply) and only available in after hooks.
  • SCALR_RUN_IS_DESTROY - If the code is 1, then the run is the equivalent to a terraform destroy. If it is 0, then it is a terraform apply. This is helpful for custom hooks that will execute if the apply is a destroy or not.
  • SCALR_RUN_VCS_BRANCH - The branch name of the VCS repo i.e. main
  • SCALR_RUN_VCS_COMMIT- The commit hash for a VCS triggered run i.e. e59f09e
  • SCALR_RUN_MODE - This will return the type of run that was executed. Possible values are:
    • apply - Plan & Apply
    • dry - Plan only
    • refresh - Refresh only
    • skip_refresh - Skip refresh
  • SCALR_RUN_SOURCE - The source that triggered the run. Possible values are:
    • vcs - The run was triggered by a VCS provider.
    • cli - The run was triggered from the Terraform or OpenTofu CLI.
    • scalr-cli- The run was triggered from the Scalr CLI
    • run-trigger - The run was triggered from the run triggers feature.
    • schedule - The run was triggered based on a schedule being set in the workspace.
    • api- The run was triggered from the Scalr API.
    • configuration version - When the run is triggered based on auto-queue runs being enabled in the workspace and the first CV uploaded triggers a run.
    • ui - for all runs triggered from the UI.
  • SCALR_WORKSPACE_NAME- The name of the workspace the run is executing in.
  • SCALR_WORKSPACE_ID - The ID of the workspace the run is executing in.
  • SCALR_ENVIRONMENT_ID- The ID of the environment the run is executing in.
  • SCALR_ENVIRONMENT_NAME- The name of the environment the run is executing in.
  • SCALR_OIDC_TOKEN - The ID token that is exported for each run phase (plan & apply) that allows users to connect to third parties (e.g. Vault, Cloudflare, etc.) via the OIDC. More about OIDC connect read here

See the full documentation for variables here: Variables