Drift / Run Scheduler

The run scheduler is a way to automatically trigger recurring runs based on a defined schedule. This is commonly used by customers to determine drift in Terraform and OpenTofu state. The schedule can be set to execute a run every day, on a specific day(s), or using cron. The schedule can be created for a plan/apply that updates/creates resources, a destructive run, equivalent to terraform destroy, or a refresh-only which will check the state against the actual infrastructure. The approval of runs will depend on your workspace settings, if the setting has auto-approval set, the run will automatically apply, if not it will wait for manual confirmation before applying. All run schedules will be assigned in the UTC timezone, please convert to your time zone to ensure the runs are scheduled properly.

The most common use case, among others, for the run scheduler is to ensure the creation and destruction of development workspaces on a specific schedule to avoid unwanted costs.

Permission required: workspaces:set-schedule