Scalr reports provide administrators with visibility into information across environments and workspaces so that they can easily find information about outliers, non-compliant Terraform or OpenTofu deployment, etc in a single place. This will save you time from searching through lower-level objects like workspaces and runs. Each report has drill-down capabilities as well to make them very actionable. All reports can be found at the account scope by clicking on reports.

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Terraform & OpenTofu Versions

The Terraform versions report shows you which Terraform versions are being used to create your state files across all of your environments. This is very helpful when you are trying to phase out or standardize on a specific Terraform version. Get your real-time status updates here.

Update & Test Versions

You can also automatically update the Terraform and OpenTofu versions used in workspaces directly from this report by clicking on the workspaces and selecting update version:

Scalr will automatically execute a dry run and redirect you to to the runs page if you choose to check the compatibility.

Terraform & OpenTofu Modules

The Terraform modules' report shows you the modules and their versions from the remote source (module registry or git) that are being used across all of your workspaces in the account. You will also see the source of the module to make sure that all workspaces are pulling from an approved source.

Lastly, identify workspaces that are using old modules with the outdated workspaces column/filter.

Terraform & OpenTofu Providers

The Terraform providers' report shows you the providers and their versions from the remote source (module registry or git) that are being used across all of your workspaces in the account. You will also see the source of the provider to make sure that all workspaces are pulled from an approved source.


Terraform & OpenTofu Resources

Stop digging through workspaces to find resources, the resource report provides valuable information about the state and configuration of all of your resources under Terraform management. Located at the account scope, the report aggregates all resources across all Terraform state files and displays them in a single dashboard. Not only does it show active resources, but also recently deleted resources to help with troubleshooting. Quickly view who created, changed, or deleted a resource and which run performed the action.

Click on resources to dig deeper with the ability to view the run and state file associated with a resource:

Stale Workspaces

When deploying resources with Terraform or OpenTofu you likely want to regularly execute runs in workspaces to ensure your resources are up to date and have not drifted. The stale workspace report will list workspaces that have active resources in state and that have not executed a run in the timeframe that is specified.

To avoid having to take multiple steps to trigger runs in stale workspaces, you can trigger the runs directory from the stale workspace report to ensure workspaces are up to date.