
Resource: scalr_workspace

Manage the state of workspaces in Scalr. Create, update and destroy.

Example Usage


data "scalr_vcs_provider" "example" {
  name       = "vcs-name"
  account_id = "acc-xxxxxxxxxx"

data "scalr_environment" "example" {
  name       = "env-name"
  account_id = "acc-xxxxxxxxxx"

resource "scalr_workspace" "example" {
  name            = "my-workspace-name"
  environment_id  =
  vcs_provider_id =

  working_directory = "example/path"

  vcs_repo {
    identifier       = "org/repo"
    branch           = "dev"
    trigger_prefixes = ["stage", "prod"]

  provider_configuration {
    id    = "pcfg-xxxxxxxxxx"
    alias = "us_east1"
  provider_configuration {
    id    = "pcfg-yyyyyyyyyy"
    alias = "us_east2"

resource "scalr_workspace" "trigger_patterns" {
  name            = "trigger_patterns"
  environment_id  =
  vcs_provider_id =

  working_directory = "example/path"

  vcs_repo {
    identifier       = "org/repo"
    branch           = "dev"
    trigger_patterns = <<-EOT



data "scalr_environment" "example" {
  name       = "env-name"
  account_id = "acc-xxxxxxxxxx"

locals {
  modules = {
    "${}" : "module-name/provider",         # environment-level module will be selected
    "${data.scalr_environment.example.account_id}" : "module-name/provider", # account-level module will be selected

data "scalr_module_version" "example" {
  for_each = local.modules
  source   = "${each.key}/${each.value}"

resource "scalr_workspace" "example" {
  for_each       = data.scalr_module_version.example
  environment_id =

  name              = replace(each.value.source, "/", "-")
  module_version_id =


data "scalr_environment" "example" {
  name       = "env-name"
  account_id = "acc-xxxxxxxxxx"

resource "scalr_workspace" "example" {
  name              = "my-workspace-name"
  environment_id    =
  working_directory = "example/path"

Create tagged workspaces

resource "scalr_tag" "team-a" {
  name = "TeamA"

resource "scalr_tag" "team-b" {
  name = "TeamB"

resource "scalr_workspace" "example-a" {
  environment_id = "env-xxxxxxxxxx"
  name           = "example-a"
  tag_ids        = []

resource "scalr_workspace" "example-b" {
  environment_id = "env-xxxxxxxxxx"
  name           = "example-b"
  tag_ids        = []



  • environment_id (String) ID of the environment, in the format env-<RANDOM STRING>.
  • name (String) Name of the workspace.


  • agent_pool_id (String) The identifier of an agent pool in the format apool-<RANDOM STRING>.
  • auto_apply (Boolean) Set (true/false) to configure if terraform apply should automatically run when terraform plan ends without error. Default false.
  • auto_queue_runs (String) Indicates if runs have to be queued automatically when a new configuration version is uploaded. Supported values are skip_first, always, never:
    • skip_first - after the very first configuration version is uploaded into the workspace the run will not be triggered. But the following configurations will do. This is the default behavior.
    • always - runs will be triggered automatically on every upload of the configuration version.
    • never - configuration versions are uploaded into the workspace, but runs will not be triggered.
  • deletion_protection_enabled (Boolean) Indicates if the workspace has the protection from an accidental state lost. If enabled and the workspace has resource, the deletion will not be allowed. Default true.
  • execution_mode (String) Which execution mode to use. Valid values are remote and local. When set to local, the workspace will be used for state storage only. Defaults to remote (not set, backend default is used).
  • force_latest_run (Boolean) Set (true/false) to configure if latest new run will be automatically raised in priority. Default false.
  • hooks (Block List) Settings for the workspaces custom hooks. (see below for nested schema)
  • iac_platform (String) The IaC platform to use for this workspace. Valid values are terraform and opentofu. Defaults to terraform.
  • module_version_id (String) The identifier of a module version in the format modver-<RANDOM STRING>. This attribute conflicts with vcs_provider_id and vcs_repo attributes.
  • operations (Boolean, Deprecated) Set (true/false) to configure workspace remote execution. When false workspace is only used to store state. Defaults to true.
  • provider_configuration (Block Set) Provider configurations used in workspace runs. (see below for nested schema)
  • remote_state_consumers (Set of String) The list of workspace identifiers that are allowed to access the state of this workspace. Use ["*"] to share the state with all the workspaces within the environment.
  • run_operation_timeout (Number) The number of minutes run operation can be executed before termination. Defaults to 0 (not set, backend default is used).
  • ssh_key_id (String) The identifier of the SSH key to use for the workspace.
  • tag_ids (Set of String) List of tag IDs associated with the workspace.
  • terraform_version (String) The version of Terraform to use for this workspace. Defaults to the latest available version.
  • terragrunt_use_run_all (Boolean) Indicates whether the workspace uses terragrunt run-all.
  • terragrunt_version (String) The version of Terragrunt the workspace performs runs on.
  • type (String) The type of the Scalr Workspace environment, available options: production, staging, testing, development, unmapped.
  • var_files (List of String) A list of paths to the .tfvars file(s) to be used as part of the workspace configuration.
  • vcs_provider_id (String) ID of VCS provider - required if vcs-repo present and vice versa, in the format vcs-<RANDOM STRING>.
  • vcs_repo (Block List, Max: 1) Settings for the workspace's VCS repository. (see below for nested schema)
  • working_directory (String) A relative path that Terraform will be run in. Defaults to the root of the repository "".


  • created_by (List of Object) Details of the user that created the workspace. (see below for nested schema)
  • has_resources (Boolean) The presence of active terraform resources in the current state version.
  • id (String) The ID of this resource.

Nested Schema for hooks


  • post_apply (String) Action that will be called after apply phase.
  • post_plan (String) Action that will be called after plan phase.
  • pre_apply (String) Action that will be called before apply phase.
  • pre_init (String) Action that will be called before the init phase.
  • pre_plan (String) Action that will be called before the plan phase.

Nested Schema for provider_configuration


  • id (String) The identifier of provider configuration.


  • alias (String) The alias of provider configuration.

Nested Schema for vcs_repo


  • identifier (String) A reference to your VCS repository in the format :org/:repo, it refers to the organization and repository in your VCS provider.


  • branch (String) The repository branch where Terraform will be run from. If omitted, the repository default branch will be used.
  • dry_runs_enabled (Boolean) Set (true/false) to configure the VCS driven dry runs should run when pull request to configuration versions branch created. Default true.
  • ingress_submodules (Boolean) Designates whether to clone git submodules of the VCS repository.
  • path (String, Deprecated) The repository subdirectory that Terraform will execute from. If omitted or submitted as an empty string, this defaults to the repository's root.
  • trigger_patterns (String) The gitignore-style patterns for files, whose changes will trigger a run for the workspace using this binding when the CV is created. Conflicts with trigger_prefixes. If trigger_prefixes and trigger_patterns are omitted, any change in path will trigger a new run.
  • trigger_prefixes (List of String) List of paths (relative to path), whose changes will trigger a run for the workspace using this binding when the CV is created. Conflicts with trigger_patterns. If trigger_prefixes and trigger_patterns are omitted, any change in path will trigger a new run.

Nested Schema for created_by


  • email (String)
  • full_name (String)
  • username (String)


Import is supported using the following syntax:

terraform import scalr_workspace.example ws-xxxxxxxxxx