
Resource: scalr_environment

Manage the state of environments in Scalr. Creates, updates and destroys.

Example Usage

resource "scalr_environment" "test" {
  name                            = "test-env"
  account_id                      = "acc-xxxxxxxxxx"
  cost_estimation_enabled         = true
  policy_groups                   = ["pgrp-xxxxxxxxxx", "pgrp-yyyyyyyyyy"]
  default_provider_configurations = ["pcfg-xxxxxxxxxx", "pcfg-yyyyyyyyyy"]



  • name (String) Name of the environment.


  • account_id (String) ID of the environment account, in the format acc-<RANDOM STRING>.
  • cost_estimation_enabled (Boolean, Deprecated) Set (true/false) to enable/disable cost estimation for the environment.
  • default_provider_configurations (Set of String) List of IDs of provider configurations, used in the environment workspaces by default.
  • policy_groups (List of String, Deprecated) List of the environment policy-groups IDs, in the format pgrp-<RANDOM STRING>.
  • tag_ids (Set of String) List of tag IDs associated with the environment.


  • created_by (List of Object) Details of the user that created the environment. (see below for nested schema)
  • id (String) The ID of this resource.
  • status (String) The status of the environment.

Nested Schema for created_by


  • email (String)
  • full_name (String)
  • username (String)


Import is supported using the following syntax:

terraform import scalr_environment.example env-xxxxxxxxxx