
Data Source: scalr_endpoint

Retrieves the details of a webhook endpoint.

!> Warning This datasource is deprecated and will be removed in the next major version.

Example Usage

data "scalr_endpoint" "example1" {
  id         = "ep-xxxxxxxxxx"
  account_id = "acc-xxxxxxxxxx"

data "scalr_endpoint" "example2" {
  name       = "endpoint_name"
  account_id = "acc-xxxxxxxxxx"



  • account_id (String) ID of the account, in the format acc-<RANDOM STRING>.
  • id (String) The endpoint ID, in the format ep-<RANDOM STRING>.
  • name (String) Name of the endpoint.


  • environment_id (String) ID of the environment, in the format env-<RANDOM STRING>.
  • max_attempts (Number) Max delivery attempts of the payload.
  • secret_key (String, Sensitive) Secret key to sign the webhook payload.
  • timeout (Number) Endpoint timeout (in seconds).
  • url (String) Endpoint URL.