Run Triggers

Run triggers are a way to chain workspaces together. The use case for this is that you might have one or more upstream workspaces that need to automatically kick off a downstream workspace based on a successful run in the upstream workspace. To set a trigger, go to the downstream workspace and set the upstream workspace(s). Now, whenever the upstream workspace has a successful run, the downstream workspace will automatically start a run.

If more than one (up to 50) workspace is added as the upstream, a successful run in any upstream workspace will trigger the downstream workspace run. For example, if two upstream workspaces finish at the exact same time, then the downstream workspace will have two runs queued.

The permissions required for a user to set the triggers are

  • Downstream workspace requires workspaces:update
  • Upstream workspace requires workspaces: read

If the downstream workspace has auto-apply enabled, then the apply will automatically occur once the trigger happens. If not, it will wait for approval.