Slack has become the central meeting place for the majority of DevOps teams for code reviews, incident notifications, and more. The bot for Slack enables teams to be more efficient and move at a faster pace, and at Scalr, we believe in meeting our users where they work. The integration for Slack will send notifications based on run events as well as allow for run approval directly from Slack. Please see Scalr's privacy policy here.
Connecting to Slack
The integration is simple to set up, just click “Connect to Slack” to enable the application in Slack. Fill in the details below and the notifications will start coming in based on the Terraform or OpenTofu run events:

Notifications and Approvals
When the Slack notification is received there will be an option to "Review run", which gives you the option to approve or decline it:

The first time a user goes through this workflow Scalr will authorize the bot for Slack. Once authorized, the bot will check that the person approving the run has the proper permission in Scalr to do so each time "Review run" is clicked. Once an action is taken, an optional reason can be given for the approve/deny and it will then appear in the run information in Scalr.
Plan Output
Users also have the option of getting the full plan output directly in Slack by clicking "Get plan output". Once selected, the output will be sent in a private message through the Scalr app:

Updated about 1 year ago