
Data Source: scalr_environment

Retrieves the details of a Scalr environment.

Example Usage

data "scalr_environment" "example1" {
  id         = "env-xxxxxxxxxx"
  account_id = "acc-xxxxxxxxxx"

data "scalr_environment" "example2" {
  name       = "environment-name"
  account_id = "acc-xxxxxxxxxx"



  • account_id (String) ID of the environment account, in the format acc-<RANDOM STRING>
  • id (String) The environment ID, in the format env-<RANDOM STRING>.
  • name (String) Name of the environment.


  • cost_estimation_enabled (Boolean) Boolean indicates if cost estimation is enabled for the environment.
  • created_by (List of Object) Details of the user that created the environment. (see below for nested schema)
  • default_provider_configurations (List of String) List of IDs of provider configurations, used in the environment workspaces by default.
  • mask_sensitive_output (Boolean) Enable masking of the sensitive console output.
  • policy_groups (List of String) List of the environment policy-groups IDs, in the format pgrp-<RANDOM STRING>.
  • remote_backend (Boolean) If Scalr exports the remote backend configuration and state storage for your infrastructure management. Disabling this feature will also prevent the ability to perform state locking, which ensures that concurrent operations do not conflict. Additionally, it will disable the capability to initiate CLI-driven runs through Scalr.
  • status (String) The status of an environment.
  • tag_ids (List of String) List of tag IDs associated with the environment.

Nested Schema for created_by


  • email (String)
  • full_name (String)
  • username (String)