
Data Source: scalr_variable

Retrieves the details of a variable.

Example Usage

data "scalr_variable" "example1" {
  id         = "var-xxxxxxxxxx"
  account_id = "acc-xxxxxxxxxx"

data "scalr_variable" "example2" {
  key            = "key"
  category       = "terraform"
  account_id     = "acc-xxxxxxxxxx"
  environment_id = "env-xxxxxxxxxx"
  workspace_id   = "ws-xxxxxxxxxx"



  • account_id (String) ID of the account, in the format acc-<RANDOM STRING>
  • category (String) The category of a Scalr variable.
  • environment_id (String) The identifier of the Scalr environment, in the format env-<RANDOM STRING>. Used to shrink the scope of the variable in case the variable name exists in multiple environments.
  • id (String) ID of a Scalr variable.
  • key (String) The name of a Scalr variable.
  • workspace_id (String) The identifier of the Scalr workspace, in the format ws-<RANDOM STRING>. Used to shrink the scope of the variable in case the variable name exists on multiple workspaces.


  • description (String) Variable verbose description, defaults to empty string.
  • final (Boolean) If the variable is configured as final. Indicates whether the variable can be overridden on a lower scope down the Scalr organizational model.
  • hcl (Boolean) If the variable is configured as a string of HCL code.
  • sensitive (Boolean) If the variable is configured as sensitive.
  • updated_at (String) Date/time the variable was updated.
  • updated_by (List of Object) Details of the user that updated the variable last time. (see below for nested schema)
  • updated_by_email (String) Email of the user who updated the variable last time.
  • value (String) Variable value.

Nested Schema for updated_by


  • email (String)
  • full_name (String)
  • username (String)